Healing Through Sharing
When you lose someone to murder, whether a family member, a co-worker or a friend you become another victim of the crime and a homicide survivor. Murder is a deliberate act causing a devastating loss. The extraordinary experience of this type of loss can bring about sensitive issues such as: guilt, fear, shame, anger, sorrow, revenge, suicidal tendencies and regret.
By sharing and listening to others who have experienced this unique event, survivors are able to have their feelings validated. There is help and hope out there. If you or someone you know has experienced a loss through homicide, go to the BC Victims of Homicide website at BCVOH.com to find available resources and information on upcoming support groups.
Helping the People of BC Cope with Grief
The BC Bereavement Helpline (BCBH) is a leader in providing education, support and advocacy for the bereaved in BC.. Since 1986, the Helpline has assisted over 35,000 callers providing immediate telephone support, information and referrals to over 300 groups in 76 communities. The BC Bereavement Helpline is a non-profit, free, and confidential service that assists the bereaved and their caregivers in coping and managing grief.
Grief is highly complex, but an absolutely normal reaction to a death. It affects each person differently. As their relationship was unique with the person who passed away, so too will be the way in which they grieve. Because grief is something that is so personal, it cannot be avoided by ignoring it or by frenetic activity. The grieving process must occur as there is no way around it; grieving is nature’s way of healing.
Aftermath of Murder: Survivor Stories is a production by the
BC Victims of Homicide, an initiative of the BC Bereavement Helpline and corporate partner Shaky Egg Communications Inc.
Season 2 Partner Organizations:
Manitoba Organization for Victim Assistance (MOVA),
TJ's Gift Foundation
Brenda's Foundation
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604.738.9950 / 1.877.779.2223
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604.738.9950 / 1.877.779.2223
Click image to go to Website or Call:
204.831.8956 / 1.877.586.0095
Victim Centred Justice.
Losing a loved one through murder is a devastating experience that is difficult for the average person to understand. It is truly a unique bond that WE, survivors of homicide, share. This shared experience allows us to understand and support each other through the long journey of healing. MOVA was created through this vision of victims helping victims and an overriding belief in the importance of a justice system sensitive to the rights and needs of victims.
Our organization’s mandate is to support family survivors of homicide victims, help increase public awareness about victims’ rights and work with government to enhance and expand legislation, policies and programs that serve crime victims. Whether you find yourself beginning the complex process through the criminal justice system or you want to talk about your story and find comfort in sharing with others, MOVA members are here for you when you need a shoulder to lean on.
Helping Kids to Make Safe Choices
TJ’s Gift Foundation has its roots in the TJ Wiebe Educational Awareness Fund in the Louis Riel School Division, and was formed when TJ Wiebe was murdered at 20 years of age. TJ had had some involvement in the drug world before he died, and so his family, with the knowledge of what drugs do to families, decided that they had to do something to create a greater awareness of the dangers of drugs in youth. The money that was collected at TJ’s funeral was dedicated to this purpose and the fund was formed.
The foundation provides financial assistance to students in programs, outreach, and puts on an annual rock concert, "Rockin for Choices" where everybody involved talks about not doing drugs.
Homicide Support Groups by Survivors
Brenda's foundation will keep Brenda's legacy alive as this is the true gift that we have been left with. We will support, educate and bring awareness to victims rights and to break the silence on being a victim. We will support and improve the lives of all survivors of homicide. To empower them while remembering their loved one.
One of our goals was to develop a homicide support group. Five years ago we developed Remember Me homicide support group. A self help support group created by survivors for survivors. A place were loved ones can gather and receive much needed emotional support, love and inspiration to carry on. If you have lost a loved one to homicide you should not be on this journey alone. Join us on this journey of healing. We operate in the Toronto and York regions of Ontario.
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204.228.2540 / 204.229.9633
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